Integrity is one of the most important character traits we all hope to instill in our players through their participation in sports. To teach integrity, we must first exhibit it. If clubs, coaches or parents lack a sense of ethics, our children will learn unethical behavior is acceptable. LSA has established ethical standards regarding the recruitment of players from one club to another. These ethical standards are set forth in LSA Policy 212.4.
Improper Recruiting Defined
“Improper Recruiting” is defined as any effort or activity whatsoever that could reasonably be construed as attempting to encourage, induce, entice or solicit a player registered with one club to transfer to another club. Improper Recruiting shall include any form of communication or action, whether written or verbal and whether by post, in person, electronically or by means of mass marketing.
Examples of Improper Recruiting
Improper recruiting will include, but is not be limited to
- demeaning or degrading another club
- marketing or promoting one club in a manner calculated to target players of another club.
- permitting any player to train, practice or play with one club while the player registered with another club.
- offering to any player at any time any inducement to play.
- misrepresenting the potential benefits of playing for one club over another.
- Encouraging a team to move from one club to another.
Ethical Standards Apply to Everyone
Ethical Standards regarding improper recruiting apply to everyone, not just coaches and clubs. No longer will coaches be able to use kids or their parents as agents to accomplish improper or unethical goals. Again, to teach integrity, we must all model it for our young players.
LSA Policy 212.4 establishes stringent penalties of improper recruiting including suspension of a coach for up to 3 years. It also provides for a fine up to $5,000.00 for the club. If a parent is found to have improperly recruited a player from another club, his or her conduct will be attributed to the club and the penalty assessed. All clubs are encouraged to educate their coaches, managers, parents and club administrators on the ethical standards regarding improper recruiting and to help maintain a sense of integrity in the game across Louisiana.
Should a club or coach have any questions about what is or is not improper recruiting, they are urged to contact LSA President, Sean Esker at